[Box Backup-dev] Win32 build

Ben Summers boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 09:59:55 +0000

On 2 Feb 2006, at 23:38, Chris Wilson wrote:

>> Add
>>  distribution/boxbackup/WIN32.txt
>> and write some notes which explain how to build on win32, with all  
>> the various variants (which is Cygwin, Native with MinGW, Native  
>> with MSVC).
> There are already some notes in trunk/docs/backup which describe  
> how to build with MinGW on Windows and MinGW on Linux. I've yet to  
> write up how to build with MSVC, except on the Wiki, but the text  
> of that page could probably be copied into a text file reasonably  
> easily.

Sorry, missed those. Since it's so different for Win32 users, it  
perhaps this file should live in the root?

>> Clean up trunk/ -- there's a few bits there which look Win32-ish.
> Please point them out - I'm working on removing #ifdef WIN32 where  
> I can, but we don't have a platform define for it yet, and some  
> things seem to make more sense as being conditional on WIN32 rather  
> than conditional on a particular compiler.


>> What's win32.bat? If it's important, add it to DISTRIBUTION- 
>> MANIFEST.txt, as it won't get copied by default. It implies it's  
>> for cygwin, is it also relevant to Win32 native?
> It's the equivalent of "configure" for win32 msvc, and it's only  
> relevant for that platform.


Looks like we could auto-generate it on creation of the distribution  
archive by scanning the Makefiles for directives.

>> Now the only thing is that everything is designed to be a generic  
>> framework for building files, and all this is terribly Box Backup  
>> specific. Given the way MSVC works, I don't think there's much  
>> that can be done.
> Sorry, I don't understand what you're suggesting should be done  
> (ideally).

I build other things using this framework. The Win32 stuff is all  
very Box Backup specific.

>> And finally, it'd be nice not to build lib/win32 on non-win32  
>> platforms.
> Yes. Should be easy with platforms.txt and ONLY:mingw32.

Martin has committed some changes to makebuildev.pl which do the  
trick. It needed to be a bit more clever because of the way things  
were structured.
