[Box Backup-dev] 0.10 anyone?

Charles Lecklider boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 11 Feb 2006 00:30:08 +0000

Ben Summers wrote:
> Would it be a good plan to get the UNIX release done, seeing as it has
> some nifty new bits, and release 0.11 to clear up Win32 shortly afterwards?

Yes. The sooner there's a fixed point for the Win32 stuff to work from
the better.

Most of the things on the Win32 bug list will be resolved by changing to
a proper Win32 architecture, i.e. overlapped IO. Timeouts, keep-alives,
and interrupts are all much easier when done the way Windows works, and
while it's not a small change it's less work than trying to fix the
current design.

My view is to disable anything that can't be fixed simply, get the
release out, and work from there. As long as it builds clean with MSVC
that's enough for this release.
