[Box Backup-dev] win32 review

Chris Wilson boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 12 Feb 2006 19:30:14 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Ben,

> bool can only take true and false as a value, but BOOL is an int (on MS 
> platforms anyway) which means that TRUE and FALSE are only two possible 
> values.

Ok, I didn't know that. I will use true and false from now on.

> But I wonder if it's actually working then. Was the problem only 
> reported under Win32?

Definitely not on Win32 (just tested it, no keepalives sent). I'll debug 
and fix it, whether it's win32 only or cross-platform.

> I do see your point. However, it means that it'll only print things out 
> a line at a time, which may make things nicer for stuff reading the data 
> through a pipe. Although it's not a huge thing, I suppose.

If stdout is line buffered, which it normally would be when it's 
redirected to a pipe on Unix, surely it won't make any difference?

> I'm sure I would have put them in if I were writing it. They're new 
> according to the diff.

Yes, some are, but there are many existing printfs that don't have ::. 
I'll add it to these new ones at least.

>>  Also, almost none of the error messages are sent to stderr, perhaps 
>>  that should be fixed?
> Maybe.

OK, will leave them alone for now, maybe we should revisit this for the 
next release.

>>  I don't think it's a good idea, since the default console font can't 
>>  handle unicode, but can handle the user's native codepage. The 
>>  non-unicode option will work better for most people.
> Oh, I see. Isn't Windows fun?

Yes, I love the fact that I've spent more or less four full days fighting 
with code pages and Unicode support for the console.

>>  I thought about this, but I came up against a problem. I include these 
>>  files in the client parcel, but their location changes from SVN 
>>  checkouts to release tarballs. That means I can't rely on their 
>>  location in the parcels.txt, which makes things very complicated.
> Well if they're needed, they shouldn't be in contrib, I suppose.

They're not strictly needed, I suppose I could leave them out of the 
parcel if you prefer. But at least it's nice to have a sample 
bbackupd.conf in the parcel to work from.

Cheers, Chris.
_ ___ __     _
  / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
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