[Box Backup-dev] A new problem with diffing large files?

Gary boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 15 Feb 2006 10:28:56 -0800 (PST)


> How did you create your test file? Is it very compressible?

The test file is a real-world Outlook personal folder file (*.pst) with changes all over the
place. It is set to compressible encryption, but I suspect it is not really compressible.

> It took about an hour to upload. Perhaps during the upload itself (after 
> the diffing has finished) no data was sent for a long time, because Box 
> was busy compressing it, and the link timed out?

As far as I can tell, the upload link was not interrupted during that time (meaning: a network
problem). I am not sure what you mean about compressing, I thought Box server was handling and
compressing content on blobk-by-block basis, it should not take more than 300 seconds to process
one block on the server side (if this is, indeed, an SLL timeout).


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