[Box Backup-dev] 0.10 archive built -- proof read release notes for web site and announcment

Ben Summers boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 20:08:29 +0000

I've just made the 0.10 distribution archive.


MD5 (boxbackup-0.10.tgz) = bb8a69012b59fc737b690d594450d218

[ For the archives: This link is temporary and may stop working.  
Download from sourceforge! ]

I note that it jumped from size 664699 to 842456 over rc3 -- I assume  
this is a simple Microsoft inefficiency in their build files?

Anyone care to give it a quick look over before I push the button and  
upload to sourceforge?

Have I missed anyone from the list of contributors?

Release notes:

* Optimised diffing algorithm -- massive speed improvements
* Improved diff timeout
* Bug fixes
* Portability improvements, including new autoconf based build
* xattr support (on Linux and Darwin -- backs up resource forks under  
Mac OS X)
* Readline usage clarified for licensing.

Experimental features (no automated test exists)
* Keep-alive on long diffing operations
* Save state for non-server use, speeds up first sync after bbackupd  
starts (not enabled by default)
* Native win32 port integrated into main source tree, fixes and  
improved build
* Support for MinGW and MSVC under Win32

Thanks due to
* Main developers: Martin Ebourne, Nick Knight, Jonathan Morton, Gary  
Niemcewicz, Chris Wilson
* Testing and other contributions: James O'Gorman, Peter Jalajas,  
Charles Lecklider, Stefan Norlin, Per Thomsen
(Alphabetical by surname).

Documentation is still an issue. Here's a wiki page for release notes  
and version specific documentation

