[Box Backup-dev] [Doc] Format of the documentation

Per Thomsen boxbackup-dev@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 22:21:02 -0800

I think the first thing we need to decide is what format we should use
for the documentation, and then get the existing docs (fluffy.co.uk and
the Wiki) into that format. I have looked at DocBook, and it looks like
it would fit our needs.  It would be easy to get DocBook files into svn,
and the HTML generated looks OK.

Let me know what you think. I'd like to get started ASAP, with figuring
out the outlines for the books we need to produce.

I'm going to be going over the Wiki and Ben's web site, to see if I can
categorize the pages (or even sections) into the books they belong in.

Also, we need to figure out how the docs will fit in svn. Should they be
a seperate project in svn? Like http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/svn/boxdoc  ?

Lastly, I don't think there is a problem, but I at least wanted to ask
if it is OK to use the -dev list for any discussions relating to the
documentation. Most of the editing will be passed back and forth through
svn, so the list would be used for discussions. Let me know if we should
find a different forum for discussing the documentation.


Per Reedtz Thomsen | Reedtz Consulting, LLC | F: 209 883 4119
V: 209 883 4102    |   pthomsen@reedtz.com  | C: 209 996 9561
GPG ID: 1209784F   |  Yahoo! Chat: pthomsen | AIM: pthomsen