[Box Backup] How to stop the server/client?

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 09:45:25 +0100

On 5 Apr 2004, at 07:19, Imran wrote:

> looks the initial bit of problems I had were with stopping the 
> client/agent.
> What do I need to do to stop the bbackupd or bbstored?

Send a signal to the main server process. The PID is in /var/run/*.pid.

xargs kill < /var/run/bbackupd.pid

However... bbackupd will not stop until it's finished the current 
backup run, and the bbstored child processes handling the connections 
will not stop until that connection has finished.

I should probably change this behaviour. :-)

> oh, after the problem email i sent couple of days ago, i decided to 
> just blow
> awawy the /raid/*/backup/ directories and start fresh.  afterwards the 
> backup
> ran great... for about a day or so backing up.  anyway i was testing 
> the
> server out, see if I can kill it and restart it.  and well you can't.  
> now I
> have lots of  RaidFile RaidFileDoesntExist (2/11) errors.  and every 
> client
> that tries to connect fails.  (4 clients).

I suspect you've killed the main server, then left the child processes 
in place. These would write just enough stuff to allow a new connection 
to succeed when they terminate, but then when it tried to access a 
file, it would fail.

> How can I make it more resilient and/or recover from the raid problems?

Make sure everything is killed. Delete the raidfile directories. Make a 
zero length /etc/box/bbstored/accounts.txt file. Recreate the accounts 
with the bbstoreaccounts utility.

> Atleaswt the errors need to have better outputs.  if there is an 
> error, print
> out what its looking for ,etc.  the errors are too generic.

I am aware that the errors are not terribly helpful. You seem to be 
running the debug versions, so you can find file and line numbers in 
the logs -- the comments in the source are more helpful. This is not a 
good solution, I know. It's something for me to get to soon.

The problem is that I didn't originally intend to open source this 
software. If I had from the start, I would have made error messages 
more comprehensible to those who haven't written it.

> btw ,I am trying to run this software on our production servers.  I'll 
> try to
> contribute code... but haven't coded in C/C++ in years.  i do code perl
> however, so maybe help in that area.  I will help in testing.  I have 
> some QA
> experience, professionally and personally for my own business.

Thanks! Right now, I need lots of people to run it and let me know 
about their experiences.

> anyway, so far the program is excellent.  besides the little things 
> here and
> there, it works quite well.  Pretty impressive set of functionality.  
> I really
> like it.  been looking for a similiar program for a little bit.
> Ok, gonna get back to work.  gonna reinstall it and probe its 
> limitations...

I'm glad it does what you need. I'll try and sort out any problems you 
find as quickly as I can, and of course, welcome suggestions for extra 
