[Box Backup] Removing account

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:40:43 +0100

On 20 Apr 2004, at 15:33, Flavio Curti wrote:

> Hello
> First, I'd like to thank you for this fine software. It's exactly what 
> I
> was looking for! (Development of duplicity which I used before seems to
> have stalled)

Box Backup will be finished! I spend quite a large proportion of my 
working day on it at the moment.

> I use it for 2 Servers right now but plan to extend it to all our
> servers (12). It would be great if there was a Windows version of the
> client as well!

There should be a Cygwin client build soon. I plan to do a proper 
Windows port at some point.

> Anyway, on to my question: How to remove an account? As there is no
> ``bbstoreaccounts remove'' I thought about the following, but just
> wanted to be sure that I will not messup the database:
>  - delete the backup dir (/backup/bbox/$HEXADDR/)
>  - delete the account line from accounts.txt

This is correct.

>  - delete the key (./clients/$HEX-cert.pm)

Not necessary -- the server doesn't look at client certificates.

> Will this work as expected without messing up my other configs?


I must write an account deletion tool sometime. I've been more 
interested in keeping data than deleting it so far.

Thanks for trying it out, feedback on how it all works out would be 
