[Box Backup] packaging, set limits, thank you's

SITKEI Attila boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 09:07:30 +0200

On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 06:47:14PM +0100, Ben Summers wrote:

> > And, additionally, it'd be great to be able to set limit
> >regarding the bbstored's machine view: the amount of data that may be
> >used by client (now the only possibility is the give this before
> >compression).
> The storage limit is specified on the server, in disc space used on the 
> server -- it *is* set in the bbstored's machine view of things. A 
> little bit extra will be used for the file meta-data (the directory 
> structure), but nothing too excessive.

in my example:

$ /usr/local/bin/bbstoreaccounts info f22 
                  Account ID: 00000f22
              Last object ID: 27381
                 Blocks used: 4862516 (9497.10Mb)
    Blocks used by old files: 306779 (599.18Mb)
Blocks used by deleted files: 27888 (54.47Mb)
  Blocks used by directories: 5976 (11.67Mb)
            Block soft limit: 6656000 (13000.00Mb)
            Block hard limit: 7168000 (14000.00Mb)
         Client store marker: 1082373546000000
$ df -h
Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a     295M   200M  80.2M    71%    /
/dev/wd0d     8.9G   6.2G   2.3G    73%    /data
$ uname -a
OpenBSD bdb 3.4 GENERIC#1 i386

the `Blocks used' value is true for the client's data's amount, but 
not for used storage on the server, why?
