[Box Backup] Feature requests
Ben Summers
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 10:02:32 +0000
On 10 Dec 2004, at 00:29, Joe Krahn wrote:
> Ben Summers wrote:
> ...
>>> 2) Add 'One File System' support. This is easy: just check st.st_dev
>>> for rLocalPath, and don't save anything whose st_dev is different.
>>> (I'm testing this now.)
>> Is st.st_dev going to work cross platform? I don't quite trust this,
>> but can't find any references with a quick google which suggests it
>> won't work.
> My guess is that any OS not supporting it will not be using
> directories as mount points. In Windows, there are no directory mount
> points. But, Cygwin does have pseudo mount points, so it should
> emulate this if it is not part of Windows fstat. I'll check it out
> tonight, from Cygwin and MS VC. In any case, it should make no
> difference unless the one-file-system option is enabled.
I think that will be enabled by default, and explicitly disabled. Some
things won't work properly if a location spans multiple filesystems.
>>> 3) It seems that extended attributes, like user/group, are saved.
>>> If they are, how can I list them?
>> You can't at the moment. Attributes are embedded into the files (or
>> the directory record if and only if the attributes change by the data
>> doesn't) so to get the attributes the file would have to be
>> downloaded. It would be possible for the server to extract that bit
>> of information and send it, I suppose. (as attributes are encrypted
>> separately.)
>> Is this really necessary?
> If you have a shared/public disk, it is nice to see who owns a file.
> It could also be useful for allowing a user to browse backed-up
> directories based on their user/group/permission properties.
> Normally, it is sufficient just to download a file and look at the
> user/group/mode/size you get back. So, if it's not easy, then I would
> skip it for now, but keep it in mind when expanding the attribute
> support, i.e. for MacOS. Maybe add the option of a file-download
> sending a list of components to return, one of them being the really
> big "data attribute".
I've added it to the list as a low priority option.
> ...
>>> 5) Maybe make attributes somewhat extensible, via a 'get_attributes'
>>> function that makes it easy for users to modify without delving
>>> into the main source code.
>> See BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadAttributes(). There's the basis
>> of a scheme for extensible attributes, written with Win32 ACLs in
>> mind.
> Is there a matching WriteAttributes? (I didn't look yet -- I'm
> actually not all that interested in better attribute support; there
> are other more valuable things to work on.)
Of course there is!
>> How do you think a user might want to modify the attributes? Surely
>> such things should be fairly generic (for each type of available
>> attributes) and in the base distribution once written.
> Well, I would guess that most useful attributes are part of the UDF
> standard, along with ACL's, which may not be there. Most things would
> be pretty simple name/type things. ACL's are probably the most
> complicated due to the variable number of items.
Contributed code for these is welcomed.