[Box Backup] Overall goal for BoxBackup/ contributions.

Justin H Haynes boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 21:02:14 -0600

> So, I'll concede to the idea that full system backups are either too 
> hard or not very important, depending on your OS. Maybe a more 
> efficient approach would just be to have a few simple OS-specific 
> utilities (or even just good examples) to set up Box Backup to be sure 
> that you are including all of your non-package files that take time to 
> edit/install.

I'd certainly like to see some of those examples.  I hope to be up to
speed fast enough to have something to contribute to those examples, but
I think I'm going to be too project laden.  I can contribute in the area
of evangelism though.  I've already been spreading the word about
boxbackup to friends.  I will be giving out trial accounts next.