[Box Backup] managing disk space

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:41:21 +0100

On 19 Jul 2004, at 21:13, Nick Knight wrote:

> Hello all,
> Quick question on how to keep account sizes down. Out of the box the 
> system just puts in data, is there a way to get it to remove deleted 
> files after 30 days for example?

When the space used reaches the soft limit, the housekeeping process 
will start deleting older files to keep the space used below this 
value. It won't grow indefinitely! If bbackupd attempts to upload a 
file which would take usage over the hard limit, then the file will not 
be accepted.

Just set soft and hard limits appropriately, and everything will be 

There will be more control in the version after the next version. I'm 
just putting the finishing touches to storage of older versions on the 
server as patches from the latest version (all works, just working on 
the "fix broken account" code), and then will write up a spec for what 
I'm going to do and post it here for comments. This will essentially 
emulate what you can do with tapes, but use less space.
