[Box Backup] deleted files

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 9 Nov 2004 15:10:05 +0000

On 9 Nov 2004, at 15:03, Nigel Marsh wrote:

> On Tuesday 09 Nov 2004 14:38, Ben Summers wrote:
>> On 9 Nov 2004, at 14:28, Nigel Marsh wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have just tried to recover a file that was deleted on Friday.
>> When was the file created?
> The file was created 22nd Sept 2004 and last modified 5th Nov 2004. It 
> is an
> autocad drawing and I was able to recover it using the .bak file that 
> autocad
> creates.

AutoCAD will probably rename the file to the .bak. This means that what 
happened was the file in store was renamed to the '.bak' extension. 
Then the new file wasn't old enough to get uploaded, so there was 
apparently nothing there with the original name.

This is all as per the design.

>>> I have started an experiment by deleting a couple of unrequired files
>>> and will
>>> watch them to see how long they last but, if I could get an answer 
>>> from
>>> someone on the list that knows about this then it would be very much
>>> appreciated.
>> I suspect the file didn't make it onto the server in the first place.
>> Check your bbackupd.conf file for the timings on when files will be
>> uploaded. Does it explain what you see?
> The config is set to the default 6 hours.
> Cheers Ben, I think the user may just be confused as to where the file 
> was in
> the first place.  Is there a way to search the backup archives for a
> particular file or do you need to know where the file was in the first
> place ?

You can list the contents of the store recursively, and grep it, like 

   bbackupquery "list -rotds" quit | grep filename

All the options to list are, of course, overkill. Do "help list" in 
bbackupquery to find out what they mean.

Of course, you might want to be a bit more selective, and precede it 
with a cd command.

   bbackupquery "cd location/dir1/die2" "list -rotds" quit | grep 

which will only search a subset.
