[Box Backup] >2GB
Nick Knight
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 11:27:37 -0000
I have been trying this all weekend! Things I have tried
1/ Check your switches for build environment - all looks good
2/ Changed them for the other methods - no difference
3/ Built both a client and server - both have problems - the client
claims it cannot read a file > 2GB
4/ Found reported bug with gcc
(http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3D8610) so upgraded - still
doesn't work (wasn't sure how much you use streams)
5/ Checked file system etc to ensure they are capable - yes
This is all on gentoo linux.
On the client my messages are
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: 2 redundant locations in root
directory found, will delete from store after 30 seconds.
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Unused location in root:
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Unused location in root: TestLoc
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Send
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Receive Success(0x5dca)
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Receiving stream, size 401
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Send
Nov 22 12:20:34 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Sending stream, size uncertain
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: TRACE: Exception thrown:
CipherException(OutputBufferTooSmall) at CipherContext.cpp(307)
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Backup object failed, error when
reading /tmp/bk.tar
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Error code when uploading was
(5/8), Cipher OutputBufferTooSmall
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Send
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Receive Error(0x3e8,0x6)
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: TRACE: Protocol: Error received
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: TRACE: Exception thrown:
ConnectionException(Conn_Protocol_UnexpectedReply) at
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Send
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: TRACE: Exception thrown:
ConnectionException(Conn_TLSReadFailed) at SocketStreamTLS.cpp(342)
Nov 22 12:20:36 box1 bbackupd[9380]: Exception caught (7/47), reset
state and waiting to retry...
I have never used gdb but I may need to - or am I reading too much into
it and missing something simple?