[Box Backup] ExcludeDir/AlwaysIncludeDir does not work

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 21:10:58 +0000

On 22 Nov 2004, at 20:08, J. Meyers wrote:

>> A program logic thing which isn't caught, but probably should be.
>> The problem is that /var/www/dir1 has already been excluded, so isn't 
>> scanned, so it doesn't get anywhere near /var/www/dir1/html/webalizer 
>> to include it. You could use Regexes to exclude things in such a way 
>> that /var/www/dir1/html gets scanned.
>> Ben
> Thank you both Ben und Nigel for the answers.
> By the way I run webalizer only once a day ;-)
> Without excluding the files and every single other directory in 
> /var/www/dir1 I only see a way with negative lookaheads, but they 
> don't work.

regex support is limited to what is available in the c library for your 
platform. Try man re_format for details.

>       var-www
>       {
>               Path = /var/www
>               ExcludeDirsRegex = /var/www/dir1(?!/html/webalizer)
>               ExcludeDir = /var/www/dir2/files
>               ExcludeDir = /var/www/dir3/files
>       }
> Nov 22 20:25:45 gate bbackupd[31316]: Starting daemon (config: 
> /etc/box/bbackupd.conf) (version 0.08)
> Nov 22 20:25:46 gate bbackupd[31316]: Beginning scan of local files
> Nov 22 20:25:46 gate bbackupd[31316]: Opening connection to server...
> Nov 22 20:25:46 gate bbackupd[31316]: Connection made, login successful
> Nov 22 20:25:46 gate bbackupd[31316]: Exception caught (1/31), reset 
> state and waiting to retry...
> Excluding all directories in /var/www/dir1 and /var/www/dir1/html 
> other than html/webalizer seems more unreliable to me than adding a 
> new backup set only for the webalizer files, but my regex skills are 
> ahhh...  limited ;-)

Or you could move /var/www/dir1/html/webalizer to 
/var/www/dir1-html-webalizer, and create a symlink from the former to 
the latter? Make sure the direction of the symlink is correct, 
otherwise you'll just be backing up a symlink, not the directory you 
want to back up.
