[Box Backup] very early alpha!

Rick Price boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:20:32 -0400 (EDT)

Well, off the top of my head, running it in the debugger puts it in a
different spot in memory.

Can you describe the problems you are having?


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Nick Knight wrote:

> Hello all,
> Good progress being made on the Win32 client for box backup, first
> release to be tested by people. It is buggy but would be good to hear
> what happens on other systems.
> I have it running on an XP Pro machine, and sort of a w2k3 server,
> although only runs under with some exceptions. Can be found here:
> http://mail.omniis.com/boxwin32b.zip
> bbackupd -c config file
> bbackupd -i (installs service)
> bbackupd -r (removes service)
> for testing purpose it is probably best to try it from the command line
> first.
> My current headache is Visual Studio - it works perfectly under when
> just run up - both on remote and local debugging, but not as well when
> run on the machine standalone, any Visual Studio experts with reasons
> feedback would be appreciated!
> Good luck
> Nick