[Box Backup] error on first run

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:11:32 +0100

On 29 Oct 2004, at 20:57, Charles Lecklider wrote:

> Dennis Speekenbrink wrote:
>> If the times appear unequal (perhaps check with timezones), set them 
>> right or wait until the maximum time difference has passed.
>> Hope this helps,
> That was it! Thanks.
> It's times like this when you realize how much you take descriptive 
> error messages for granted....

It's unfortunate that this is the only error message OpenSSL gives when 
a certificate isn't valid yet. I'd have to write a surprising amount of 
code to catch this and emit a better error.

However, I've been caught by this problem myself, and so have others, 
so maybe it's worth it.
