[Box Backup] trigger housekeeping

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 22:32:33 +0100

On 1 Sep 2004, at 22:18, Andreas Schrafl wrote:

> Ben Summers wrote:
>> On 1 Sep 2004, at 20:58, Andreas Schrafl wrote:
>>> I reduced the amount of my soft and hardlimit and hoped to get the 
>>> olf files deleted. the next backup run said i'd have so add more 
>>> storage but didn't delet any old files.
>>> when does housekeeping run?
>> Every x seconds, where x is specified in bbstored.conf as 
>> TimeBetweenHousekeeping.
> had it on the standard 900 so every 15 minutes. it's now more than a 
> day that I reduced the limit and it is still like not deleted 
> anything.

Interesting. What is the output of

   bbstoreaccounts info x

where x is the relevant account number?

>>> how can I trigger it?
>> Send a -HUP signal to bbstored.
> tried this (kill -HUP processid) for bbstored and housekeeping but 
> didn't change anything
>> What do you think should have happened when you changed the limits. 
>> What would you like to have done? How would you like to have 
>> controlled this?
> I'd just like to control this on the server. something like:
> bbstoredhousekeeping accountid
> or
> bbstoredhousekeeping
> would clean the files that can be deleted. perhaps I would be possible 
> to specify the files to delete (old or deleted or both). I don't even 
> need this on the client but havinig it there would be great to.

It would have to be on the client, as the server has no idea what the 
files are called.

> I run 0.7 version and notyet 0.7PLUS

Upgrading won't change this, but it would be worthwhile.
