[Box Backup] More serious Win32 0.9f/RedHat 0.9 trouble...

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 4 Apr 2005 01:07:01 -0700 (PDT)


> investigations until it's known what's at fault. Maybe you could run 
> the client locally on the server?

Well, turned out the problem was on the server side. Large file backup
was getting as far as:

Send GetBlockIndexByName(0xf,""big-file.arc"")."
Receive Success(0x0).

... but then network activity was going down to 0, never reaching the


I was also getting "file already contained" error messages from the
bbstored housekeeping process that account check/fix was not
correcting. I finally blew away the whole account, backed up again, and
things went back to normal. I guess this was some kind of account
corruption on the bbstored side (RedHat).


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