[Box Backup] More serious Win32 0.9f/RedHat 0.9 trouble...

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:32:17 +0100

On 7 Apr 2005, at 10:18, Gary wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Unfortunately, the problem of backing up large files from Win32 (WinXP
> SP2) bbackupd to RedHad 9.0 bbstored is back again.
> Client side log:
[ snip ]
> Some thoughts:
> 1. The problem is not network related, in the sense of interrupted
> connection. Perhaps some kind of timeout.
> 2. The problem does not depend on bbackupd.conf MaximumDiffingTime.
> 3. The problem is probably on the server side, since blowing away the
> relevant account fixes the problem for a few backups.
> 4. The problem is not detected by bbstoreaccounts check.

I am suspicious of the Win32 port, to be honest. The store checking is 
quite comprehensive, and will definitely get it into a state which is 
working. Maybe it's not coping well with something. It would probably 
help Nick if you could create a minimal environment where it goes 

I'm afraid that at the moment, I can only really help if it's run on 
