[Box Backup] BoxWin sync issues

Jammer boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 16:24:44 +1200


I'm testing out boxwin v0.09f on a WinXP machine talking to an OpenBSD 
boxbackup server. I don't seem to be able to get this client to behave 
in the same way as other *nix clients when trying to sync with the 

In particular, changes to my bbackupd.conf file don't appear to be being 
acted on. I've added a couple of new directories to be backed up and 
issued a "bbackupctrl.exe -c bbackupd.conf sync" command but the new 
directory isn't uploaded to the server. 

The last_sync_start and last_sync_finish files also don't seem to be 
being checked/updated properly.

bbackupquery.exe seems to work nicely and it has reported on the 
existence of the initial directory I listed but new folders added don't 
get uploaded.  Doing a "compare -a" results in the first directory 
checking out OK but the new directory I've added causes it to report;

Local directory 'E:\Documents' exists, but server directory 
'\MyDocuments' does not exist
[ 0 (of 1) differences probably due to file modifications after the last 

Issuing a "list" command in bbackupquery gives me only the directories I 
specified initially. eg.
0000002 -d---- Test

I've restarted the bbackupd service and verified that it is running. I 
can see connections in the server log files too. (The certificates also 
seem to be working as expected.)

I've also tried adjusting the timings inside bbackupd.conf to try and 
speed things up. I stated with the defaults and have since changed them 
UpdateStoreInterval = 300
MinimumFileAge = 600

(I have no ExcludeDir directives in my conf file either.)

Issueing a kill -HUP to the bbackupd process on Linux boxes causes an 
immediate update as expected. WinXP isn't behaving in this manner 
though. Am I misunderstanding something ?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
