[Box Backup] (solved) More serious Win32 0.9f/RedHat 0.9 trouble...

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:19:42 -0700 (PDT)


> 1/ If the client effectively never fires a timer - doesn't it just
> continue trying to diff the file

Yes, it will continue diffing until the whole file has been processed
(with the time limit "disregarded"). After the diff, it will attempt to
upload the changes - and that's when the SSL error/"network issue"
between a client and a server comes in.

> 2/ What is it supposed to do when the timer fires? I am still looking
> at the code there!

It's supposed to switch off a boolean "keep diffing" flag (see signal()
handler in the same source file). Once switched off, the diff should
stop, and changes uploaded.



We might be running here into a combination of problems, but so far I
am seeing improvements with the patch I mentioned (Cygwin).

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