[Box Backup] corrupt store file

Nick Knight boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 27 Apr 2005 16:42:21 +0100

I know it is trying to check a >5GB file on the windows side it all
looks good - but I still haven't got my head completely round the store

Just out of curiousity would it be a good idea if it finds what it
thinks are corrupt files - instead of stopping the backup of it, start a
fresh back (perhaps keeping older version of the file complete).

I'll keep on looking.


-----Original Message-----
From: boxbackup-admin@fluffy.co.uk [mailto:boxbackup-admin@fluffy.co.uk]
On Behalf Of Ben Summers
Sent: 27 April 2005 16:27
To: boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Box Backup] corrupt store file

On 27 Apr 2005, at 16:02, Nick Knight wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am getting a Error code when uploading was (4/11), BackupStore
> BadBackupStoreFile on the client but when I do 	 bbstoreaccount
check -
> I get no errors found. This is with a windows client and linux server?

The client is probably referring a file, but giving the ID of a=20
directory. The server won't like this, for obvious reasons.

Check what the Windows client is doing.


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