[Box Backup] limitations (was: (no subject))

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 4 Aug 2005 22:18:40 +0100

On 4 Aug 2005, at 01:15, Scott McNee wrote:

> Hi All,
>     Thanks Ben for your advice. Everything is working great.  
> Restoration
> works from read-only media.


> A quick question. Are you aware of any limitations that box-backup  
> has? Ie.
> Max Simultaneous clients etc?

No. It's down to what your OS and hardware can cope with. However, I  
would have thought that disc space would be more of an issue that  
handling connections. Given a 500Gb drive and 10G accounts, that's  
still a maximum of 50 simultaneous connections. And the backup client  
(in lazy mode) adds a random factor to the sync interval to try and  
even out the load on the server.
