[Box Backup] housekeeping issues

Alex Howansky boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:03:05 -0600 (CST)

> > 2) The account I really care about is #8. I need it to be backed up ASAP, but
> > I'm stuck on #4. Can I temporarily manually edit the accounts.txt file so that
> > it contains only the account #8, then restart bbstored so that it housekeeps
> > just that one account? Will doing so screw up any of the other accounts
> > (assuming I restore the file to its previous contents once the backup is
> > complete.)
> I'm fairly sure you're safe on this option.

Ok, the housekeeping on account #4 finished after about 45 minutes. It took
about an hour to housekeep all accounts. (As a result, I've set my
TimeBetweenHousekeeping setting to two hours.) I then started bbackupd on the
client for account #8 (my database server), and it promptly backed up one dump
file, then stopped because the next dump file would have kicked it over the
limit. Sigh. So I had to run housekeeping again, then backup again, then
housekeeping again, then backup again -- until I got all five days worth of
dumps backed up. So, I'm back to normal now, phew.

A forced purge / account cleanup (whatever you want to call it) feature would
be nice -- I know I'm not the first to request it. Yes, I could have set the
soft limit to an artificially low value and then run housekeeping, but manually
running through those gyrations just to overcome the lack of such a feature
seems silly to me. I think I know better than BoxBackup which data of mine is
ok to keep or not -- I should be able to override its standard behavior without
jumping through hoops.


Alex Howansky
Wankwood Associates