[Box Backup] fixed: bug report: choking on big file

Gary boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:12:10 -0800 (PST)


> Ben mentioned to use a native windows version. But as the 
> server would not change, I guess the error condition would 
> also remain. Is this right?

The KeepAlive command is a client-server command, thus requires the
0.9-mod version on both client and server. I believe Nick has a native
Windows version with that particular modification built in. The fix is
supposed to be included with the next version of BoxBackup, currently
in the works, but in the meantime we work off a patched version.

> BTW: What are the differences between the normal distribution 
> and the native windows version, besides the fact, that the 
> normal version can be easily compiled with cygwin?

My understanding is that the Win32 client port (there is no Win32
sever) is identical in functionality as the 0.9 "vanilla" version, with
the exception of a few patches like the KeepAlive that Nick has added
to keep his backups running.


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