[Box Backup] Problems with speed....

Mikael Syska boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 25 Dec 2005 20:22:33 +0100

Andreas Schrafl wrote:

> Hi Mikael
> Are your files at /usr/local/boxbackup/backup/<ACOUNTNUMBER>

Yes, files are under that path.....

> To look where the files should be create a new account and search for 
> it (find /usr/local/ -name <ACCOUNTNUMBER>). I had mine at 
> /backup/bbstore and had to move them to /backup/bbstore/backup (in the 
> raidfile there is only /backup/bbstore). After this it worked.

Well, its works, but its darn slow, so I guess this part is right, but 
maybe its just fucked when I run the debug exec....

> merry christmas

And to all other on the list

> andy
best regards
Mikael Syska