[Box Backup] Exception: Connection Protocol_ObjTooBig (7/42)

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:41:31 +0000

On 21 Jan 2005, at 15:59, Marco Bartholomew wrote:

> I recently moved some fileshares from Windows to a Samba share, and 
> have backing it up with Boxbackup.
> Seems to have gone OK, but every time I run
> "bbackupquery -aq" quit
> I receive this error at the end of the run:
> [ 2 (of 2) differences probably due to file modifications after the 
> last upload ]
> Differences: 2 (0 dirs excluded, 1 files excluded)
> Logging off...
> Exception: Connection Protocol_ObjTooBig (7/42)
> [snip]
> Should I be concerned?  I only found one reference to this in the 
> archives, and it was never followed up to conclusion.

Which version of client and server are you running, and on which 
platform? Is there anything in the client logs during a normal backup 
