[Box Backup] Exception: Connection Protocol_ObjTooBig (7/42)

Marco Bartholomew boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 16:04:53 -0500

>>>> Marco Bartholomew wrote:
>>>> I recently moved some fileshares from Windows to a Samba share, and 
>>>> have been backing it up with Boxbackup.
>>>> Seems to have gone OK, but every time I run
>>>> "bbackupquery -aq" quit
>>>> I receive this error at the end of the run:
>>>> Logging off...
>>>> Exception: Connection Protocol_ObjTooBig (7/42)
>>>> [snip]
>>>> Should I be concerned?  I only found one reference to this in the 
>>>> archives, and it was never followed up to conclusion.
>>> Ben Summers wrote: 
>>> Which version of client and server are you running, and on which
>>> platform? Is there anything in the client logs during a normal backup 
>>> run.
>>> Ben
>> On 21 Jan 2005, at 15:59, Marco Bartholomew wrote:
>> I'm running Linux (kernel 2.6.10) and boxbackup 0.9 on both client and 
>> server.
> Ben Summers wrote: 
> 0.09, I take it. If it's 0.9, please send me the source to save me 
> writing it.
>> Marco wrote:
>> I must confess my ignorance when it comes to client logging.  I just 
>> turned on 'extended logging' for the client.  Do I create a 
>> '/var/log/box' as I do for the server?
> Ben wrote:
> Yes!
> Ben

That would indeed be 0.09.  Anyway, I have /var/log/box set up on the
client side, and it works fine when running 'bbackupctl' but doesn't
show anything when I'm running 'bbackupquery compare'  Is that proper 

However, I did find that I was backing up a 3 gig Mac image file (.dmg) 
that I was previously unaware of.  As it was not needed, I removed it, 
and now 'bbackupquery "compare -aq" quit' runs without error. 
(Boxbackup did note that it was still located in the backup store.)

Thanks much, I have another question regarding 'bbackupquery compare,' 
but as it's a different machine and a different error, I'll post it in a 
new thread.
