[Box Backup] backup status check

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:03:23 +0100

On 21 Jul 2005, at 09:55, Maarten van Lieshout / Paradigit  
Hoofdkantoor wrote:

> So there is no way to check if the backup has finished other than  
> looking in the log-files?

In /var/bbackupd, there are two files which are touched when the  
backup starts and stops. You can wait until the timestamp of the stop  
file is newer than the timestamp of the start file.

On operating systems which support it, the bbackupd process shows its  
status in ps listings.

> Can boxbackup sent an e-mail with the backup-status (failures,  
> files backupped, time needed to backup etc)?

No. Not this version, although it's something I want to do in the  
next version, perhaps indirectly.

At the moment, it only sends emails (via a script you can modify)  
when it hits an error condition.
