[Box Backup] ExcludeFilesRegex

Henning Markussen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 11 Jun 2005 09:15:49 +0200 (CEST)


I have some trouble with the ExcludeFilesRegex option on my CentOS 4.0.

 Path =  /home
 ExcludeFilesRegex = *.(iso|ISO)$
When trying this - it results in a

Jun 11 09:06:15 mail bbackupd[9650]: Connection made, login successful
Jun 11 09:06:16 mail bbackupd[9650]: Exception caught (1/31), reset state
and waiting to retry...

What is wrong whith this ?
I've tried with just *.iso but it is the same

The goal is to backup the /home - but not .iso files in /home

- Henning