[Box Backup] Thanks for the help and advise

Doug Poland boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 10:53:27 -0600

Hello all,

Thanks for your help getting box backup running and your good advice of
the suitability of box backup as a file synchronizer.  I think box
backup is a great backup tool.

For my particular application, synchronizing files on different
machines, I've taken your good advice and looked at the unison project.
It looks like a great fit for my needs.

As far as on-line file backups go, to date I've been using a script and
a combination of RCS and tar to create backups that I subsequently send
to remote hosts via scp.  It uses lots of disk space but it works if I'm
not lazy and always check in/out of RCS.  Box Backup looks like it could
help me out in this area.
