[Box Backup] postexec

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 08:28:00 +0000

On 15 Mar 2005, at 07:55, Peter Huber wrote:

> I have installed boxbackup on a linux server to backup openbsd server.
> Till now everything works fine, but I want to backup an postgresql
> database. There a two ways of doing it: First pgdump and second stop 
> the
> database and backup. With the first way it is impossible to do in
> incremental backup what could be a problem in our installation.

Are you sure? If you use pgdump and always overwrite the previous dump 
file, then let bbackupd do it's stuff, you should get backups using 
patches (which I think is what you want when you say "incremental") and 
the ability to retrieve old versions.

Have you tried it? Didn't it work as you expected?

>  So I want
> to stop the database backup and start the db again. My problem now is,
> that bbackupctl always returns immediately. Is it possible to get any
> signal after the client has finished the backup so that I can restart 
> the
> postgresql-db ?

You could watch the timestamps of the two sync time files in 
/var/bbackupd ?
