[Box Backup] BB & Debian ...

Garry Glendown boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sat, 07 May 2005 11:27:03 +0200

After successfully running BB on both Windows an SuSE Linux for a while,
two of our machines got upgraded and installed with Debian ... now I've
been trying to get the stuff working again, but just can't seem to get
the right packets with apt-get ... from the binaries compiled on the
SuSE system, bbackupquery works fine. But bbackupd crashes after
transmitting the first directories (strace says:
writev(2, [{"bbackupd", 8}, {": ", 2}, {"relocation error", 16}, {": ",
2}, {"bbackupd", 8}, {": ", 2}, {"undefined symbol: __db185_open", 30},
{"", 0}, {"", 0}, {"\n", 1}], 10) = 69
Recon db library 1.85 is missing)
I tried compiling it, but apart from readline and db library missing I
can't seem to be able to get the openssl source through apt-get ... do I
have to go through the "regular" sources, or what am I doing wrong? (and
people bash on SuSE ... funny thing, BB works out of the box fine with
it ...)

Tnx, -garry