[Box Backup] Win32

Nick Knight boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 09:00:07 -0000

All of the autogen files are just that - autogenerated. Before you build
it - or can you need to run the bat file in an environment with perl -
such as cygwin.

The openssl installation and zlib should be fairly simple, simply
download build as per there instructions - at the parent directory as to
where you want to build box.

Hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From: boxbackup-admin@fluffy.co.uk [mailto:boxbackup-admin@fluffy.co.uk]
On Behalf Of Paul Arch
Sent: 14 November 2005 10:59
To: boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk; Nick Knight
Subject: Re: [Box Backup] Win32

> On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 21:19 +0100, Nick Knight wrote:
>  =20
>> I think - is in svn now. I haven't tested a check out or build
>>    =20
Hi Nick,

 I thought I would give this a go using visual c++ express 2005.  I must

admit I am not having much luck compiling, looks the new vc++2005 breaks

a few things (eg. default type of int )

 There looks like the version I checked out /nick/win might be missing=20
some files ? :
- autogen_BackupStoreException.h, seems to be autogen_XXX missing=20
throughout ?
'..\..\..\..\boost_1_31_0\libs\regex\src\c_regex_traits.cpp': No such=20
file or directory
- Maybe I missed including something in the compile line ?
- Could you please advise pointers for openssl and zlib installation ?



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