[Box Backup] exception caught and endless retries

Robert B boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:20:48 -0800

 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: boxbackup-admin@fluffy.co.uk 
 > Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 1:51 AM
 > On 21 Nov 2005, at 21:33, Robert B wrote:
 > > I'm running boxbackup 0.09 (v0.09fWin32 to be exact) on Windows.   
 > > I'm getting
 > >
 > > Exception caught (1/9), reset state and waiting to retry...
 > >
 > > I wouldn't mind except that, instead of running every hour, it  
 > > keeps running with about a 2 minute delay between each run.   
 > > Because of this, my computer has slowed to a crawl.
 > >
 > > The above error does not tell me which file it is failing on and
 > > therefore cannot exclude it from the back up in the hopes that  
 > > boxbackup won't endless run.
 > >
 > > 1) Is there a way to find out the file it's failing on? or
 > Set ExtendedLogging = yes in bbackupd.conf, make sure you 
 > have syslog  
 > logging set
 >    http://www.fluffy.co.uk/boxbackup/server.html   (not raidfile of  
 > and then look for the last filename before it retries.

I tried this, but it does not output the file it's having problems with.  In
fact, the entire operation looks pretty happy, but ultimately outputs the
(1/9) error.

 > [Note: this is the general answer. On the Win32 port, you may not
 > have to do anything to get it to log, as the client just sends  
 > everything to the Windows Event Log without extra configuration.]
 > > 2) Is there a way to adjust the delay between retries?
 > Not currently. I assume if you're running a backup client you want
 > it to do it's best at backing up your files.

That's probably a good assumption.  I guess I'll just have to remember to
start up bbackupd on Friday nights and let it endlessly back up over
weekends while I'm not using it :-).

 > Ben