[Box Backup] Some problem with boxbackup on solaris (10)

Alex Korshunov boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Fri, 07 Apr 2006 16:22:03 +0400


I have some trouble with solaris bbackupd under Sparc Solaris. Process 
of compile - its another story. At now, i have problem with handshake 
(client <--> server).

Its looks like

pr  7 15:53:29 fairy bbackupd[16887]: [ID 970952 local6.error] Exception 
caught (Connection Protocol_HandshakeFailed 7/48), reset state and 
waiting to retry...
Apr  7 16:03:08 fairy bbackupd[17076]: [ID 970952 local6.error] 
Exception caught (Connection Protocol_HandshakeFailed 7/48), reset state 
and waiting to retry...
Apr  7 16:05:18 fairy last message repeated 1 time

from client syslog, and

Apr  7 16:05:28 bkp bbstored[4219]: Incoming connection from 
port 41637 (handling in child 25057)
Apr  7 16:05:29 bkp bbstored[25057]: Certificate CN: BACKUP-1
Apr  7 16:05:29 bkp bbstored[25057]: in server child, exception 
Connection Protocol_HandshakeFailed (7/48) -- terminating child

from server side.

Server works fine under Gentoo linux and other linux machines do self 
backup without any trouble. But with Solaris it not work.

Solaris have OpenSSL and all over needed (i think).

Have you any ideas?

P.S. Sorry for my terrible english.

Alex Korshunov
System Administrator