[Box Backup] Re: How to change from lazy to snapshot mode?

Tobias Balle-Petersen boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:23:16 +0200


Thanks a lot. Works as expected.

This info would be nice to have in the wiki.


boxbackup-request@fluffy.co.uk wrote:
>> Hi...
>> How do I change from lazy to snapshot mode? Do I need to create a new
>> config file using bbackupd-config or can I change my current .conf? If
>> I need to create a new .conf, would I have to sign new certs etc. too?
> You need to edit the bbackupd.conf file. Set the following parameters:
> AutomaticBackup = no
> UpdateStoreInterval = 0
> MinimumFileAge = 0
> MaxUploadWait = 0   
> Also, you need to then use bbackupctl to start a sync. On Unix, setting
> up a cron-job is the way to do this. I assume that using 'Scheduled
> Tasks' on Windows will work there (haven't tried it).
> No changes to the certs are needed. Your account information doesn't change.
> HTH,
> Per