[Box Backup] reset protocol stream?

Magnus Homann boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:21:06 +0200

Paul Nash wrote:
> Along with my large file backup issues (looks like a 32-bit signed overflow
> somewhere), I have a problem with bbackupquery and comparing.  First error
> that it hits (maybe cannot open local file) throws the protocol stream into
> disarry, so that every file after that throws a 7/42 error as the stream is
> out of sync.  Any ideas about quick and easy ways to reset the protocol
> stream?

I'm having similar issues (7/24) when I do 'compare -a', but i haven't 
managed to track down the cause yet. Can you do a 'compare -aq'? That 
worked for me, but it found a couple of differences.

I haven't got any leads on my problem yet.