[Box Backup] ExcludeFile command being ignored with Win32 client.

Martin Ebourne boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:20:40 +0100

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 13:04 -0700, E.W. Peter Jalajas wrote:
> Great, Chris, thanks.
> Shall I start a wiki page documenting bbackupd.conf, with a section for
> Windows clients (with annotations re which version), and a subsection
> for BackupLocations?  

Join in the Box documentation project!

Currently it's just Per Thomsen, but he's done a fine job and would be
glad of help, I'm sure. Per described on the list (maybe the -dev list)
how to go about using his doc stuff and you can send patches so you
don't need commit access.

