[Box Backup] Release Candidate 3, Debian 3.1 DeMuDi test results
E.W. Peter Jalajas
Sun, 19 Feb 2006 19:38:52 -0800 (PST)
I ran:
./runtest.pl bbackupd release
./runtest.pl ALL
WARNING: This test was run as root. Some tests have been omitted.
common: PASSED
crypto: PASSED
compress: PASSED
basicserver: PASSED
raidfile: PASSED
backupstore: PASSED
backupstorefix: PASSED
backupstorepatch: PASSED
backupdiff: FAILED: 1 tests failed
bbackupd: PASSED
Sorry, I'm not sure if running ALL makes these results DEBUG or
RELEASE? I think they are DEBUG because I didn't see any files under
release/test/backupdiff/ for example.
Is the FAILED test maybe related to the time-zone problem? I can
change the timezone on that machine if needed.
I've updated
as best I could. Please feel free to edit it.
Should I bother trying to test the Win32 client against this server?
Should I run the tests as non-root?
And either way, how do I run ALL tests without rebuilding them? This
almost works...:
demudi:~/boxbackup-0.09_plus3# #df -h ./ ; for x in `ls ./debug/test` ;
do cd ./debug/test/$x ; ./t | tee -a ../../../Test_ALL.out ; cd
../../../ ; done
Are the normal test results logged to a file somewhere?
Sorry to be so green at all this...