[Box Backup] Win32 ExcludeFile Syntax

E.W. Peter Jalajas boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 18 Jul 2006 13:07:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hi John,

That should work.  What version are you running?  Maybe sending us your
full BackupLocations section might reveal something?  

Or maybe try a Regex like I do:



		Path = C:\Documents and Settings\Mom\My Documents

		ExcludeFilesRegex = .*\\thumbs\.db$


Maybe it's a, um, feature in ExcludeFile that you need to escape the
slashes like in ExcludeFilesRegex like I do above?

Are sure that it is "still" backing it up, or did it back it up
previously and hasn't deleted it yet?

Good luck,

--- John MacKenzie <nospam@elehost.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for the great program. I am having trouble figuring out how to
> exclude a file with the win32 client (latest version)
> I have in the config file:
> ExcludeFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\12AB23BA-FileEncKeys.raw
> But it still backs it up. Can someone please tell me where this 
> syntax is wrong?
> Thanks
> John 
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