[Box Backup] Re: Extend backup volume

Maarten van Lieshout boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 14:22:55 +0200 (CEST)

>> We are using boxbackup to provided an online storage for our
>> customers. All works extremely wel but we're running out of space.
>> The problem is that we need to resize the filesystem onwich the
>> boxbackup-data is written but before we do that we must have a
>> backup of that data. The data is right now about 1.1TB so copying   it
>> to another disk will take forever. What we can do is create an   extra
>> volume on the SAN and mount that on the boxbackup-server. Is   there a
>> way to tell boxbackup that there is another disk to write   data? This
>> is our config:
>> disc0
>> {
>>         SetNumber = 0
>>         BlockSize = 4096
>>         Dir0 = /mnt/vol0/data/
>>         Dir1 = /mnt/vol0/data/
>>         Dir2 = /mnt/vol0/data/
>> }
> Create another entry in raidfile.conf for set 1, (ie disc1
> { SetNumber = 1 ...). Restart server.
> Then when you create accounts, specify set 1 on the command line of
> bbstoreaccounts.
> There is no way to migrate accounts from one set to the other.

Are you sure there is no way to migrate accounts? According to the faq it
is  possible.

