[Box Backup] Full server store not deleting old and deleted files (boxwin0.09)

Dennis Speekenbrink boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:00:18 +0100

E.W. Peter Jalajas wrote:
>                   Account ID: 00000014
>               Last object ID: 22097
>                  Blocks used: 663024 (2589.94Mb)
>     Blocks used by old files: 16068 (62.77Mb)
> Blocks used by deleted files: 96893 (378.49Mb)
>   Blocks used by directories: 1965 (7.68Mb)
>             Block soft limit: 640000 (2500.00Mb)
>             Block hard limit: 704000 (2750.00Mb)
>          Client store marker: 1141060420000000

This situation occurs when the next file to upload is larger than the 
space left between "hard limit" and "blocks used".
Currently there is 2750 - 2589.94 = 110.06 MB left for the account.  If 
the next file to upload is larger, then if will fail.

This is because the housekeeping process won't notice the store is full 
until -after- a file has been uploaded that crosses the soft limit.

This is the general idea.  From the above report I'm guessing that the 
report is made between the last upload (3 files) and the housekeeping 
as the store has obviously crossed it's soft limit.  My best guess is to 
check the server log file to see where uploads stop.

Hope this helps,


P.S. that's a nice report you've got there, how'd you make it?