[Box Backup] Windows Client Port?

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:59:02 +0000

On 5 Mar 2006, at 11:52, Mikael Syska wrote:

> Ben Summers wrote:
>> On 4 Mar 2006, at 15:38, Mikael Syska wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is it possible to change the Port in the Windows Client from a   
>>> config? or do I have to Compile my own? ( I dont hope so, not   
>>> familiy with it) If it aint possible as it is now, can it be  
>>> moved  to a config file? or something dynamic?
>> Why do you want to change the port the client connects to on the  
>> server?
> I'm moving in a couple of days.... the server stays the same place,  
> but I'm taking the Windows computer with me, and the internet is  
> very restricted where i'm moving to.... So I have to use an other  
> port.....

Couldn't you tunnel over something else, like ssh perhaps?
