[Box Backup] Boxbackup deleted directories

Peter boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Tue, 28 Mar 2006 17:41:55 +0200

tis 2006-03-28 klockan 13:41 +0100 skrev Ben Summers:
> On 28 Mar 2006, at 09:02, Peter wrote:
> >>
> >> A 33Mb directory listing seems a little unlikely to me.
> >>
> >> So, what's odd about your client? Have you really got a directory
> >> with many thousands of files in it?
> >>
> >> It's possible you're hitting an edge case we need to revisit in the
> >> next version, but this does need further investigation.
> >>
> >> Ben
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I wouldn't say it's impossible, these are home-folders for a  
> > biochemical
> > company, and I know they store a LOT, both in size and numbers of  
> > files.
> Can you find out for sure?

After some searching I found one directory where 
'ls -1 | wc -l' = 8178, all of them regular files.
It takes up only 35mb of diskspace though.

Is this likely to cause a problem?

bbackupd consumes about 99% of the cpu, so it's busy doing something.

> >
> > Just let me know if there is anything else you need, like more  
> > complete
> > log entries or testing some configuration changes, cause right now I'm
> > not sure how to proceed myself.
> Currently my best guess is that you're backing up a directory with a  
> huge number of files in it, and Box Backup is not as efficient as it  
> should be in situations like that.

Any ideas for how this will be adressed in the next version (if at all)?
