[Box Backup] configure: error: OpenSSL is not installed?

Jamie Neil boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 18 May 2006 14:04:16 +0100

vordoo wrote:
> Sorry Ben,
> I'm a newbie to headers and libraries, I usualy
> apt-get install.

We have precompiled binaries of 0.10 packaged for Debian 3.1 (Sarge) at:


if you are interested. The packaging is based on the 0.9 version that
was advertised on the list some months ago, with client, server and
utils parts separated. We've been using them for a few months with no
problems, but I can't guarantee that they are bug free.

Just add:

deb http://ftp.versado.net/debian sarge main contrib non-free

to your sources.list, and apt-get install as normal. If you find them
useful then feedback is always welcome.


Jamie Neil | <jamie@versado.net> | 0870 7777 454
Versado I.T. Services Ltd. | http://versado.net/ | 0845 450 1254