[Box Backup] Re: Errors on backup - Client: 7/33, Server: 7/34 - OS X 10.4 - BB
Tobias Balle-Petersen
Mon, 22 May 2006 12:15:22 +0200
Thank you for helping out.
Thank you for pointing out the KeepAliveTime parameter which I did not
know about.
As you suggested, I have added this line to my bbackupd.conf file:
KeepAliveTime = 30
I will post the results to the list.
> Are you using the KeepAlive stuff?
No, I just found out about it. Added as seen above.
> What quality is the connection to the datacenter?
> Could there be short outages?
Hmmm.... I dont really know what to answer here, I guess anything is possible.
> If this happens even semi-reliably, can you put a debug build of the
> client (and, if possible, the server) in, to get more details on what's
> going on?
Yes, I KeepAliveTime does not solve my problem I will do as suggest.
> Is it always the same file that's causing the problem?
No, but i do have rather big files here 300MB+
Thanks for all your help,