[Box Backup] Building Box Backup as Universal Binaries [OS X]
Ben Summers
Tue, 3 Oct 2006 12:43:29 +0100
You have endian issues. Build two separate arch specific binaries,
then use lipo to make a universal binary. It will probably be
necessary to build the binaries on the target architecture because of
the configure tests.
On 3 Oct 2006, at 10:35, patrick machielse wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build the Box Backup tools (I'm only interested in
> the client tools for now) as Universal Binaries for PPC and x86 on
> Mac OS X. I've tried the most naive approach first:
> export CXXFLAGS="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch
> i386 -arch ppc"
> export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -
> arch i386 -arch ppc"
> ./configure
> make
> This _seems_ to complete nicely and builds Universal Binaries.
> (I've noticed that the ./configure script does some endian checks
> but I'm not sure how/if this impacts building for x86. It could be
> a problem because I'm configuring on a PPC machine and building for
> x86).
> My first aim is to build a UB on my PPC machine and make sure that
> at least the PPC part of the binary still works. Alas, this is not
> the case...
> Running the univeral binary bbackupquery on PPC I can connect to
> the Box Backup server, but when I try to 'list' the contents I get an:
> Exception: Connection TLSReadFailed (Probably a network issue
> between client and server.) (7/34)
> and the application terminates.
> The log file reeds:
> Send Version(0x1)
> Receive Version(0x1)
> Send Login(0x10,0x1)
> Receive LoginConfirmed
> (0x801ad32d4c1e0400,0x6616000000000000,0x280000000000,0x2c0000000000)
> Send ListDirectory(0x1,0xffffffff,0xc,true)
> Compare the log of the regular PPC binary bbackupquery session:
> Send Version(0x1)
> Receive Version(0x1)
> Send Login(0x10,0x1)
> Receive LoginConfirmed(0x41e4c2dd31a80,0x1666,0x280000,0x2c0000)
> Send ListDirectory(0x1,0xffffffff,0xc,true)
> Receive Success(0x1)
> Receiving stream, size 200
> Send Finished()
> Receive Finished()
> Maybe this points in the direction of a solution.
> Has anyone tried a different (== bettter) approach to building
> universal binaries?
> TIA,
> Patrick
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