[Box Backup] Housekeeping hogging the server

Ben Summers boxbackup@fluffy.co.uk
Thu, 26 Oct 2006 14:24:39 +0100

On 26 Oct 2006, at 14:12, Jamie Neil wrote:

> Ben Summers wrote:
>> On review of the code, I don't think thousands of entries in a  
>> directory
>> is going to cause problems with housekeeping. It should scale roughly
>> linearly with the number of directories in an account. The client is
>> another matter, but even then, it should be pretty fast as the really
>> slow code was improved several versions ago -- I note you only  
>> reported
>> problems with the server.
> We've had problems with the client side as well, but in this case it's
> just the server and without any clients actually attached to it.
> Restarting boxbackup (checked there were no stuck processes) doesn't
> seem to help, it just climbs straight back up to 100% again.

I'm assuming you mean the bbstored server? Does this 100% CPU usage  
stop after a while?

>> I therefore suspect that something else is happening here. If you  
>> could
>> run a disc benchmark on the guest and the hardware on it's own, I  
>> think
>> that would be a useful start to finding out what the problem is.
> I'll try to check it when I get some spare time. I've been sidetracked
> for the last couple of days dealing with a spam tsunami that's killing
> our SA boxes.

Try OpenBSD's greylisting. Very efficient and effective. It deals  
with dodgy senders at the packet filter level, and could work as a  
filter in front of existing boxes.

>> How much data is stored in the other accounts?
> Just a few Gb.

Just how big were these email accounts? (in terms of number of files)
